Have a ball

Having a Ball


Tina: I feel like having a ball. Let's splurge.
Barbara: Forget it. i'm broke.
Tina: Don't worry. I'll pick up the tab. I'm loaded today.I'll treat you.
Barbara: No, we'll go Dutch. I don't like to freeload.


have a ball       (v) trạng thái vui vẻ, thích thú

                          Enjoy one's self, have a good time
splurge        (v) chi tiêu phung phí tiền

                          spend a lot of money for something
broke        (adj) cạn túi, hết tiền

                            having no money
pick up the tab (v) thanh toán hoá đơn

                          pay the bill
loaded           (adj) Tiền đầy túi

                           having lots of money
treat                 (v) Trả tiền cho ai, chiêu đãi bạn bè

                           pay for someoneelse
go Dutch     (v) Tự trả tiền

                          each pay for himself or herself
freeload           (v) Người khác mua cho, bao ăn ở

                          get things that others pay for